Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 4—Psalms 76–100): Voce Mea

Denis the Carthusian's Commentary on the Psalms (Vol. 4—Psalms 76–100): Voce Mea

  • by Andrew M. Greenwell, translator

  • Product Code: vm
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $25.95

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Voce Mea, the fourth volume of the first ever English translation of the Commentary on the Davidic Psalms by Denis the Carthusian (1402-1471), continues with Denis's literal, allegorical, tropological and analogical traversal through the entire 150 Psalms. This volume covers Psalms 76 through 100. St. Jerome exclaimed that "ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ," and Denis heartily agreed. Indeed, outside of the Gospels, Denis maintains that the voice of Christ, the vox Christi, is found most strongly in the Psalms, though moderns, for a variety of reasons, appear to have developed a tin ear to it. Denis is the perfect antidote to this auditory malaise. Armed with a keen spiritual ear which is only sharpened by his contemplative spirit and his love for God, Denis identifies Christ's voice for us in the Psalms and amplifies it in his Commentary so that we might hear it above the din of those things which distract or deafen us to it, and might say with Samuel: "Speak, Lord, for your servant hears." (1 Sam. 3:10)

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About the Translator

Andrew M. Greenwell is a Catholic layman, with three children and four grandchildren. He is a civil trial and appellate lawyer based in Corpus Christi, Texas, who has written articles for Catholic Online and for a number of years wrote a blog on the natural moral law called Lex Christianorum. He has translated works from German, Latin, French, and Italian into English. He is a member of the Latin Mass Community at St. John the Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Texas. Angelico Press is publishing his translations of all of Denis the Carthusian’s works on the Mass and the Eucharist.

Size: 6 x 9

504 pages

ISBN: 978-1-99068-5-47-7 | pbk | $25.95 USD
ISBN: 978-1-99068-5-50-7 | hardcover | $31.95 USD

Volume Four of Andrew Greenwell’s English translation of Denis the Carthusian’s Commentary on the Psalms is a remarkable achievement, offering wide access to a text of great importance. Denis’ erudition, insight and originality, as well as his refined ability to keep various interlocutors in view are robustly displayed. Readers will find his attention to the relationship between the letter of history and the spiritual senses particularly engaging. The wealth of helpful notes in this edition will help us all gain a deeper appreciation for the workings of one of the late medieval world’s most respected voices. A translator has to share something of the spirit of the original author, and this translation is the work of one who certainly does. — ✠ Most Rev. Daniel E. Flores, Bishop of Brownsville, TX

In this impeccably well-done translation from Latin of the beautiful commentary on Psalms 76–100 of Denis the Carthusian, Andrew Greenwell has demonstrated that he is precisely the kind of layman Pope St. John Paul II called for in his 1988 post-synodal apostolic exhortation to the lay faithful. He is in love with the Lord Jesus Christ and totally given over to the service of His Mystical Body, the Church. I highly recommend this beautiful work. I am deeply grateful to Andrew for offering it to all of us as a resource. — Deacon Keith Fournier, J.D., M.T.S., M.Phil., Dean of Catholic Identity Director of Deacon Formation General Counsel Catholic, Diocese of Tyler, Texas

Greenwell's welcome translation of Denis the Carthusian's first major work is a gift to those who seek primarily to understand the Psalms in the context of revelation and faith above the narrower priorities of modern academia. Denis' richly Christological exposition of each psalm, applying the four senses of scripture, is witness to Carthusian life faithfully and fruitfully lived. — Fr. Hugh Somerville Knapman, OSB, Monk of Douai; author of Ecumenism of Blood: Heavenly Hope for Earthly Communion

We can find no better prayers than the ones God Himself has given us. The Psalms are the heart of Holy Scripture, the summary of all its treasures, the daily bread of Christ’s faithful. The mysteries contained in the Psalms are simple, and yet so sublime, that we need a guide to open up the Scriptures to us. Denis the Carthusian, a fine connoisseur of the Psalms, is an exemplary guide. This English translation is a remarkable accomplishment, for which we are all indebted to Andrew Greenwell. — Dom Pius Mary Noonan, OSB, Notre Dame Priory, Tasmania

Now here is a treasure that those who take their lectio divina seriously appreciate beyond telling: Denis the Carthusian's commentary on the Psalms—no less! — Abbot Philip Anderson, OSB, Clear Creek Abbey

This Commentary is an important aid in studying, indeed in praying, the psalms —which form so much of the very fibre of the Sacred Liturgy— according to the medieval mind. The translator and publisher are to be congratulated for making available this jewel of our tradition in the English language and in such an elegant edition.

If lectio divina is nothing other than listening to the voice of God through the words of His friends, amongst whom Denis the Carthusian must surely be counted, this fruit of the lifetime of faith, seeking and understanding of the Doctor ecstaticus is a most beautiful gift for those who would hear His voice speaking through the psalms today. — Dom Alcuin Reid, Prior, Monastère Saint-Benoît, Brignoles, France

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